No matter how you came to be entangled in addiction to begin with, Mullen Recovery can provide you with the necessary support you need in order to successfully reach your recovery goals. When you’re ready to face your addiction and ensure that you can reach the next stage of your journey to recovery, we’ll be here, ready and waiting to provide you with support.
When you enter our drug addiction treatment facility, you’ll begin by taking part in a comprehensive intake interview. This interview will cover a plethora of topics, including how you came to be entangled in addiction to begin with, what your substance of choice might be, and what your normal usage habits might be.
Some questions may seem more distantly related, such as an inventory of any addiction history that your family might have. At times you may wonder whether or not all of these questions are necessary, but rest assured, there is a reason our well-trained and friendly staff have so many inquiries for you during this interview: the information we gather there will be used to create your customized care plan.
At our substance abuse treatment facility, we have a specific philosophy we subscribe to when providing our clients with the addiction recovery care they need. We understand that every individual who enters our drug rehab clinic has come to addiction from their own unique set of circumstances.