Our Values
What kind of treatment will your receive when you enter our substance abuse treatment facility? At our well-known and established drug rehab clinic, Mullen Recovery prides itself on ensuring that every client receives the care they need.
Our Mission
As you consider which addiction recovery treatment center might best serve your needs as you begin working toward your recovery goals, we urge you to consider taking part in our proven drug rehab program.
Let us help you by providing you with the benefit of our knowledge and experience. Regardless of how your addiction might have begun, we are here to help you put an end to it.
Did you know that according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, roughly half of Americans who are struggling with addiction and simultaneously dealing with a co-occurring mental health disorder?
What makes these conditions especially insidious is the simply fact that many of the clients who enter our drug rehab clinic while struggling with the co-occurring mental health disorders are not even aware of the co-occurring disorder.
This can complicated recovery, since even treatment of the addiction can fail if the client is struggling with the continuing symptoms of their co-occurring mental health disorder.
In fact, in some instances, these symptoms drive the client back to substance abuse, as they attempt to self-medicate the symptoms of their disorder.
Fortunately, at our substance abuse treatment facility, Mullen Recovery provides real solutions. Thanks to dual diagnosis mental health treatment, we can provide all of our clients with the support they need to overcome addiction and reach their goals for recovery.